About Us

RollingNews.ie is a leading independent editorial photographic agency, based in Dublin. We provide daily pictorial coverage of the stories that really matter in politics, business, arts, crime and breaking news.

Our extensive archive goes back to the 1980s, chronicling some of the most dramatic social, political and economic events since the foundation of the State. Picture Editors may find our new curated “Media Quick Pic Service”, helpful in finding images to illustrate breaking news stories. It can be found under Collections.

In particular we wish to give a voice to those organisations and individuals who usually fall outside the vision of mainstream media. Please keep us informed of your events at info@rollingnews.ie  

The public can now browse large sections of our archive. If you are interested in buying prints of any of our images, please note the I.D. number and enquire at the contact details below to arrange payment and delivery. In the near future we will be launching an on-line payment service.

For publications, TV, websites and advertising usage, our content is available on a pay per use basis or on contracts for unlimited editorial use. Please feel free to enquire for details at the contact details below. Please note that all images on this site are copyrighted. Images must be paid for and credited. Any unauthorised use will be pursued legally.

We accept no responsibility or liability for any damage caused to your computer or any other device, as a result of attempting to illegally download or use our images.


Contact Us
 Phone: + 353 (0)1 6792995

 Email: info@rollingnews.ie


 The Digital Hub
 Thomas Street West
 Dublin 8

 D08 TCV4